Character sheet management for FantasyCraft

This is a tool I wrote for my gaming group to help us manage our character sheets.


Install is easiest via a docker image.

A set of scripts to setup the docker images are here

Download and extract that, and edit the following files:

Next run sh to start everything up.

It will take about 1 minute for the tools to extract the data from the PDF, and then you should be able to login at whichever port you configured *prepend-path* to be. The default login is username admin password admin I suggest you change the administrator password immediately (under account tools)

There is not currently a link to the administrator panel, but you can reach it by simply adding "admin/" to the root path of the application (e.g. it will not work without the trailing slash (/).

Here you can add new users and change any user's password, and add or remove administrator privileges for other users.


There are two types of fields white fields which are user-editable and gray fields which are calculated. Note that only very basic calculations are completely automated (e.g. adding strength to BAB). For any ability-based bonuses and penalties, you can add a modifier to any calculated field. Each modifier has a note attached to it, and there is no limit to how many modifiers you can add. This lets you easily track which abilities you have already factored in modifiers for.

As an example, here's the Damage bonus modifier list for a very min-maxed unarmed combat specialist: Screenshot of modifier example

Your data is automatically saved to the server every 10s. There is currently no undo nor history tool, though managing multiple versions of a character (e.g. one for each level or after each adventure) is in the works.